Accessibility at the Thomas Cole National Historic Site

Everyone is welcome at the Thomas Cole National Historic Site, and we are committed to enabling all visitors to experience the historic place where the artist and environmentalist Thomas Cole (1801-1848) lived and worked. The 1839 Storehouse Studio, the 1846 New Studio, and Shop are wheelchair accessible. The first floor of the Main House is wheelchair accessible via a wheelchair lift. We provide printed and digital materials that describe and depict the second-floor and ground floor experience. Additional information is provided below on accessibility services.

Wheelchair Access

Both the Storehouse Studio and 1846 New Studio are wheelchair accessible. Only the first floor of the Main House is wheelchair accessible by a lift. The lift enables visitors to bypass a set of 11 steps leading to the first floor porch. The second floor and ground floor are only accessed by flights of stairs.

Also available online is 360 Explore,” through which visitors may view the Main House and Storehouse Studio virtually with a personal smartphone, or from afar with a computer. A hands-free function is included.

The walking paths on the grounds are loose gravel. The parking lot is standard asphalt and includes a number of handicap spaces.

Individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

The experience of visiting the Thomas Cole National Historic Site includes several multimedia displays, three of which include audio. Each is transcribed in printed hand-outs so that visitors can read what is being said.

Also available online is 360 Explore,” through which visitors may view the Main House and Storehouse Studio virtually with a personal smartphone, or from afar with a computer. Texts are visually displayed.


Please feel free to reach out to or 518-943-7465 if you have any questions, and please check back for announcements on improving our accessibility.

Jennifer GreimThe Thomas Cole National Historic Site Accessibility